Perinatal Mood Disorder
​What is a Perinatal Mood Disorder?
Any mental health disorder which occurs during the peripartum period (pregnancy up to 12 months postpartum) and are related to a reproductive event. This may include a depressive disorder, an anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive and related disorders, trauma disorders or other mental health issues such as the onset of bipolar disorder or psychosis.
Some people experience anxiety, depression, anger, obsessive or intrusive thoughts, or fluctuating moods which interfere with functioning during pregnancy or postpartum. Parents may also experience symptoms of anxiety, depression, and adjustment.
​Who suffers from Perinatal Mood Disorders - Antenatal/Postpartum Anxiety & Depression
Those who deliver often notice a period of time following delivery during which they experience strong emotions and reactions and may find themselves tearful, weeping, or crying. This is generally considered to be a short-lived period called 'baby-blues' and can be expected about 3 days after delivery, not lasting more than a couple of days. This brief upset does not generally interfere in functioning, relationships, or self-concept.
Some people develop symptoms either during pregnancy or following delivery which are more difficult to manage and which suggest a major depressive episode, the onset or worsening of anxiety, difficulty adjusting, intrusive thoughts, and various somatic, or body related, symptoms.
Anyone may develop a perinatal mood disorder, also referred to as antenatal anxiety or postpartum depression, and while there are risk factors which may increase the chances, there are many who suffer who would report no obvious risk factors. Conversely, just because a person identifies multiple risk factors, does not mean they will inevitably suffer in their antenatal or postpartum experience.
Risk Factors: Risk factors are situations, events, or circumstances which may contributed to an increased likelihood of developing a mental health concern.
These are known risk factors related to the development of perinatal mood disorders:
Low socio-economic status
Minority group status – e.g. new Canadians, LGBTQI,
Recent significant changes - e.g. moving households, job-loss, suffering recent loss
Lack of autonomy in making reproductive decisions
Unintended pregnancy
Unequal division of emotional/practical labour in the household
Occupational fatigue
Criticism or lack of support by peer group or elders
Reproductive difficulties and complications
Pre-existing mental health concerns
Poor communication by health professionals
Traumatic labour or delivery
Previous reproductive loss(es)
Poor physical health
Inadequate or unsafe housing conditions
History of trauma
Signs and Symptoms (a person who is experiencing distress may experience only a few or many of these):
Reduced interest and enjoyment
with regard to previously enjoyed activity
Insomnia or hypersomnia
Significantly low or high levels of arousal
Poor concentration
Poor decision making
Intrusive thoughts or images involving distressing themes, sometimes of harm coming to the baby
Unwavering gaze
Depressive stupor
Slack facial musculature
Collapsed posture
Shallow breathing
Tense or rigid posture
Wide eyes or hyper-vigilant gaze
Symptoms may be made worse by:
Extreme fatigue
Increase in responsibilities
Role transition
Relationships stress
Domestic violence
Partner suffering mental illness
Substance use
Impact - Poor perinatal mental health may negatively affect:
Overall functioning
Social networks
Involvement in the workforce
Some Barriers to service for perinatal mental health include:
Poor knowledge of service
Poor understanding of what is and what is not a ‘normal’ part of new parenthood.
Where or when to seek assistance
Attitudes and stigma
Fear of apprehension of children
Expectation of self-sufficiency and achievement
Desire to preserve an image of competency
Dismissive and neglectful response from health professionals
Lack of trust in health professionals
Time management
Childcare difficulties
Poor access to appropriate resources, including to professionals with adequate screening tools, training, and treatment interventions.
Therapy helps.
Making the decision to seek help is an important one; it is an empowering step toward help and healing.
Reaching out takes courage and vulnerability.
Perinatal mood disorders and other reproductive mental health issues are deeply personal and may leave you feeling isolated. Sharing space, difficult emotions, and worries with a psychologist who has experience in this area may help you feel less alone and provide help and healing to you.
How does Sensorimotor Psychotherapy help? SP is a therapy which connects traditional psychotherapy with somatic-oriented therapy.
Many of us grew up with strong explicit or implicit messages around having children, being children, raising children, responsibility, perfection, achievement, sacrifice, benefit, roles, etc. which come into or change focus during this journey.
Current events within our own lives, the world around us and our own history work together to inform our experiences in pregnancy, parenting, trauma, and loss. Our present and our past, as well as our predictions about future moments, are wonderfully organized by our mind-body (nervous system) and our spirit. But, during moments when we are overwhelmed, our ability to integrate what is happening is diminished which can affect the meaning we take from the event which impacts our mood, sense of self, and behaviour. Engaging in the world of fertility, labour, delivery, and or loss is complex and a lot for us to organize.
​​Sensorimotor Psychotherapy considers engaging the body and utilizing the body’s intelligence as imperative in healing.